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Table 1 Descriptive statistics for the variables included in the HEI composite scores (n = 149 families; n = 298 children), mean (SD) for continuous variables and percentage (N) for categorical variables

From: The Home Environment Interview and associations with energy balance behaviours and body weight in school-aged children – a feasibility, reliability, and validity study

Home food environment

Mean (SD) or % (N)


 Number of fruit typesa

9.65 (4.25)

 Number of vegetable typesa

13.58 (4.63)

 Number of energy-dense snack types

6.96 (3.22)

 Number of sugar-sweetened drinks

1.44 (1.05)

Accessibility (visibility)

 Fruit on displaya

95.3 (284)

 Vegetables ready-to-eata

43 (128)

 Energy-dense snacks on display

4.0 (12)

 Sugar-sweetened drinks on display

6.0 (18)

Accessibility (child can help him/herself)


92.6 (276)


94.6 (282)

 Energy-dense snacks

55.4 (165)

 Sugar-sweetened drinks

41.6 (124)

Parental feeding practices

 Emotional feedingb

1.45 (0.47)

 Instrumental feedingb

1.81 (0.53)

 Encouragementa, b

2.28 (0.59)

 Modellinga, b

3.65 (0.68)

 Monitoringa, b

2.44 (0.98)

 Covert restrictiona, b

3.23 (0.89)

 Restrictiona, b

3.52 (1.16)

 Family meal frequency at the table (days per /week)

3.43 (2.18)

 Frequency child eats while watching TV and/or using a device (days per /week)

1.66 (1.09)

Home activity environment

 Garden/outdoor spacea

98.7 (294)

 Garden play equipmenta, d

65.8 (196)

 Allowed to be physically active indoorsa, d, e

4.30 (1.07)

 Allowed to be physically active outdoorsa, d, e

4.76 (0.56)

 Parental modelling of physical activitya

3.97 (0.96)

 Parental support of physical activitya

3.53 (0.77)

Home media environment

 Number of media equipment items in home

15.48 (4.20)

 Number of media equipment in child’s bedroom

1.70 (1.37)

 Caregiver rules around use of media equipmenta,f

2.38 (0.78)

 Maternal time engaged in screen-based viewing (hours/week)

14.26 (8.55)

 Partner time engaged in screen-based viewing (hours/week)

14.94 (9.61)

  1. aVariables identified as being associated with decreased risk for weight gain were reverse scored
  2. bMeasured using a five-point Likert scale (1 = never, 5 = always)
  3. cMeasured using a seven-point Likert scale (1 = not at all, 7 = strictly)
  4. dn = 294 as four children did not have access to a garden or outdoor space
  5. eMeasured using a five-point Likert scale (1 = never; 5 = all the time)
  6. f(0 = no rules, 1 = rules around one device, 2 = rules around two devices, 3 = rules around 3 or more devices)