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Fig. 5 | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Fig. 5

From: Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of physical activity and sitting time among South American adolescents: a harmonized analysis of nationally representative cross-sectional surveys

Fig. 5

A harmonized meta-analysis of the association between sex and active commuting to school (boys vs girls) with odds ratio results adjusted by age group and food insecurity. B harmonized meta-analysis of the association between age and active commuting to school (≥ 16 vs 12-13y) with odds ratio results adjusted by gender and food insecurity. C harmonized meta-analysis of the association between food insecurity and active commuting to school (food insecurity vs food security) with odds ratio adjusted by gender and age group. Weights are from the random-effects analysis. OR, odds ratio. 95% CI, 95% confidence interval. ACS, active commuting to school

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