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Table 1 Physical behavior assessed by accelerometer-based methods evaluating validity, subdivided by level of evidencea, and criteria for acceptable outcome values

From: Systematic review of accelerometer-based methods for 24-h physical behavior assessment in young children (0–5 years old)

Physical behavior

Level of Evidence

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Physical activity

Indirect calorimetry to score energy expenditure, e.g., DLW, AEE

Direct observation to score activity type

Pedometer (daily) step counts

Direct video observation to score activity type

Accelerometer-based magnitude of acceleration (different brand/type)


Sedentary behavior (primarily defined as an activity type, and secondarily as an intensity)

Direct video observation to score activity type

Direct observation to score activity type

Accelerometer-based magnitude of acceleration (different brand/type)

Indirect calorimetry to score energy expenditure

Accelerometer-based orientation classification (thigh data), e.g., activPAL




Videosomnography or direct video observation to classify sleep–wake states

Direct observation to classify sleep–wake states


Indirect calorimetry, e.g., SMR

Accelerometer-based magnitude of acceleration (different brand/type)

Outcome value

Acceptable results


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

rp, rsp, r, R2

 ≥ .70

 ≥ .60

 ≥ .60

AUC-ROC, accuracy, Se, Sp

 ≥ .80

 ≥ .80

 ≥ .80

ICC, CCC κ, κw, κqw

 ≥ .70

 ≥ .70

 ≥ .70

  1. Abbreviations: AEE activity energy expenditure, AUC-ROC area under the receiver operating curve, CCC concordance correlation coefficient, DLW doubly labelled water, ICC intraclass correlation coefficient, κ Kappa, κw weighted Kappa, κqw quadratic weighted Kappa, rp Pearson correlation coefficient, rsp Spearman’s rank-order correlation coefficient, r unknown correlation coefficient, R2 R-squared value, Se sensitivity, SMR sleeping metabolic rate, Sp specificity
  2. a Level of evidence: level 1 indicating strong evidence, level 2 indicating moderate evidence, and level 3 indicating weak evidence