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Table 4 Physical literacy capacities and skills that influenced risk engagement and safety management in active play

From: All the fun stuff, the teachers say, ‘that’s dangerous!’” Hearing from children on safety and risk in active play in schools: a systematic review

Physical literacy domain

Capacities and skills

Children’s perceptions and experiences

Playground observations


Movement skills, strength, agility, coordination, fitness

[95, 101, 103, 112]

[91, 101, 112, 113]


Confidence, enjoyment, self-regulation (emotions)

[32, 33, 93, 94, 103, 110, 112]

[101, 113]


Relationships, cooperation

[95, 101, 105, 107, 108]

[91, 101, 105, 107, 113]


Safety and risk, rules, perceptual awareness

[86, 94, 96, 101, 112]

[91, 101, 112, 113]

  1. The ‘Physical literacy domain’ and ‘Capacities and skills’ columns are informed by the ‘Domains’ and ‘Elements’, respectively, of the Australian Physical Literacy Framework [118].