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Table 3 Participant quotes related to the recognition, recall and appreciation of social media food promotions and marketing

From: Adolescents’ exposure to and evaluation of food promotions on social media: a multi-method approach



1. Recognition

  a. Doubtful about recognition

"Sometimes they're going like ‘Oh, buy this brand and bla, bla, bla…’, but sometimes they're just sharing their recipes, and I'm not sure if they're marketing." (AU07)

  b. No doubt about recognition

“I feel like I do recognise a lot of the food ads. I don't really doubt them. But the food ads I get, for example say McDonalds, I don't really go to McDonalds or like it. I guess some of the people I follow follow that. So yes I see and recognise them but I don't go and read through them.” (AU46)

  c. No attention

“I don't really think about it. I might have a quick look at it and scroll past or something.” (AU55)

2. Recall

  a. Lay-out

“It's probably just the fact of different promotional art, and it's usually more colourful and everything.” (AU60)

  b. Presentation

“Because that YouTuber presenting it is extremely famous, and they repeated what they advertised multiple times…” (AU18)

  c. Type of product/ brand

“Probably because I like Guzman y Gomez, and KFC is similar to Maccas. Those are probably the two main ones I go to.” (AU13)

3. Appreciation

  a. Visual appeal

“They make the food look really aesthetic and pretty and make me kind of wanna eat it more.” (AU86)

  b. Entertainment

“I like watching them use the product, like putting it into, like, foods, I guess, using it. So recipes and stuff.” (AU39)

  c. Temptation

“I like more sort of dessert ads, and lolly ads, that sort of stuff, and soft drink ads, they catch my attention more because they're more the type of food that I like.” (AU77)