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Table 2 Temperament and weight status by eating behavior profile

From: Characteristics of eating behavior profiles among preschoolers with low-income backgrounds: a person-centered analysis


Total Sample

High Food Avoidant

High Food Approach





Profile 1

Profile 2

Profile 3


N = 1004

n = 357 (35.6%)

n = 213 (21.2%)

n = 434 (43.2%)



CBQ Anger/Frustration, M (SD)

4.74 (1.21)

4.79 (1.24)a

4.92 (1.26)a

4.61 (1.15)b


CBQ Impulsivity, M (SD)

4.76 (.88)

4.62 (.88)a

4.84 (.93)b

4.83 (.84)b


CBQ Inhibitory Control, M (SD)

4.55 (1.02)

4.49 (.98)a

4.29 (1.09)b

4.74 (.98)c

 < .0001


BMI z-score, M (SD)

.67 (1.13)

.38 (1.14)a

.90 (1.20)b

.80 (1.03)b

 < .0001

Weight status, n (%)


 < .0001*

With Obesity

169 (17.1)

36 (1.3)

48 (23.2)

85 (19.7)

With Overweight

185 (18.7)

56 (16.0)a

41 (19.8)b

88 (2.4)a,b

With Underweight/Normal weight

636 (64.2)

259 (73.8)a

118 (57.0)b

259 (6.0)b

  1. Children’s Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ)
  2. Differing superscript letters indicate differences between eating behavior profiles (P < .05); superscript letters that are the same indicate no difference between eating behavior profiles
  3. *Predicting profile membership from 3-category weight status, using multinomial regression and “with obesity” as the referent
  4. Underweight (2.2%) and normal weight (62.0%) were combined for analysis given the small cell size of underweight