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Fig. 1 | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Fig. 1

From: Impulsivity is longitudinally associated with healthy and unhealthy dietary patterns in individuals with overweight or obesity and metabolic syndrome within the framework of the PREDIMED-Plus trial

Fig. 1

Longitudinal associations between impulsivity and dietary pattern scores (n = 438). Abbreviations: HPB, Healthy Plant-Based diet; UPB, Unhealthy Plant-Based diet; Med, Mediterranean diet; ERMed, Energy-Restricted Mediterranean diet, AHEI, Alternative Healthy Eating Index; Portfolio, Portfolio diet; DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension; MIND, Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay; PHD, Planetary Health Diet; Western, Western diet. Impulsivity was assessed using the UPPS-P Impulsive Behaviour Scale. Linear mixed models were used to assess associations and Beta coefficients were multiplied by 100, with robust variance estimators to account for intracluster correlations. Only model 2 beta coefficients and p-values were shown at the right of the figure. Circle dots referred model 1: associations were adjusted by sex, age (years) and intervention group at baseline. Square dots referred model 2: associations were further adjusted by education level (primary school or less; higher school or college), civil status (single, divorced, separated or widower; married) and smoking status (never smoked; former or current smoker) at baseline, whereas physical activity (MET min/week), body mass index (kg/m.2), alcohol intake (g/d, adding the quadratic term), and energy intake (kcal/d) at each time-point. All significant associations remained significant after Benjamini–Hochberg correction in both model 1 and model 2

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