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Table 1 Summary of study characteristics

From: What are the determinants of vegetable intake among adolescents from socioeconomically disadvantaged urban areas? A systematic review of qualitative studies

Author, publication year

Phenomenon of interest (outcome)

Sampling of participants

Sample characteristics (sex, age, race/ethnicity, setting, country)

Data collection methods, number of focus groups/interviews

Theoretical framework

Analytical method/approach

Campbell, 2009 [39]

Dietary choices

School-based: 12 adolescents

Sex: mixed

Age: 14-16 years (9th-10th grades)

Race/ethnicity: 8 Hispanic, 2 bi-racial African American Hispanic and Caucasian Hispanic, 1 Eurasian and 1 African American

Setting: public high school

Country: US

FG discussions: one group interviewed twice, during lunch and immediately after

Developmental psychology by Piaget and Erikson

No detailed description of analytical procedures

Content analyses

Chatterjee, 2016 [46]

School food

School-based (1 school): 32 students, 10 parents, 14 faculty/staff, 3 school leadership roles.

Sex: no information

Age: 13-19 years (9th-12th graders)

Race/ethnicity: 98% "color"

Setting: public high school

Country: US

FG discussions: 1 9th grade students FG, 1 10th grade students FG, 1 11th grade students FG, 1 12th grade students FG, 2 parent FGs, 1 teacher/staff FG.

Interviews: 3 school leadership roles

No information

Immersion-crystallization method

Christiansen, 2013 [47]

Eating habits

Community-based: 20 adolescents

Sex: mixed

Age: 10-16 years

Race/ethnicity: African American

Setting: recreation centers

Country: US

2 adolescents FG discussions, 18 adolescents interviews plus direct observation in stores

Ecological model from Bronfenbrenner and social cognitive theory

Significant themes identified before coding. Themes were subsequently categorized, and a codebook was developed for use during the coding process

Cullen, 2007 [40]

School food

School-based (6 schools): schoolchildren, schoolstaff (number of participants not provided) and 7 district school food administrators

Sex: no info

Age: 11-14 years

Race/ethnicity: African Americans, Hispanics, White, Native American, other

Setting: middle schools

Country: US

11 FGs with schoolchildren and school staff.

7 interviews with district school food administrators

No information

No detailed description of analytical procedures

Dalma, 2016 [48]

Healthy eating

School-based (14 schools): 98 schoolchildren (28 8-10 years schoolchildren, 31 10-12 years schoolchildren, 39 junior high school students) and 44 parents (22 parents elementary school students, 22 parents junior high school students)

Sex: no info

Age: 9-15 years (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders, junior high school)

Race/ethnicity: no info

Setting: elementary and secondary public schools

Country: Greece

20 FGs with school children and parents: 4 FGs 8-10 years schoolchildren, 4 FGs 10-12 years schoolchildren, 6 FGs junior high school students, 3 FGs parents elementary school students, 3 FGs parents junior high school students.

No information

Krueger’s ‘long table approach’ method

Davison, 2015 [49]

Healthy eating

Community-based: 14 young people attending "Not in education, employment or training" youth support services, 7 service providers

Sex: mixed

Age: 16-20 years

Race/ethnicity: no information

Setting: youth support services

Country: Northern Ireland, UK

3 FGs with young people.

6 interviews and one-paired interview with service providers (6 females and one male).

Social cognitive theory

Thematic content analyses

Dodson, 2009 [41]

Food consumption behavior

Community-based (3 centers): samples size not clearly reported for adolescents, 7 adults (1 teacher, 1 parent, 1 storeowner, 4 community center administrators)

Sex: mixed

Age: 12-17 years

Race/ethnicity: African American

Setting: community organizations

Country: US

15 interviews with 9 adolescents (3 boys and 6 girls), 1 FG with 5 girls and a paired interview with boys, 5 girls took pictures, 1 FG with 3 girls and paired interview with 2 boys, 7 interviews with adults plus observation in stores

Social cognitive theory

Data obtained through qualitative methods with adolescents were triangulated by conducting participant observation and interviews with adults in the community. Interviews data were analyzed using content analysis and coding techniques

Gerritsen, 2019 [38]

Fruit and vegetable intake

Community-based: 17 students, parents,teachers, community leaders, local retailers, and health promoters

Sex: mixed

Age: 16-25 years

Race/ethnicity: Maori, Pacific, Asian and New Zealand European

Setting: neighborhood community

Country: New Zealand

Three group model building workshops with all participants together

No information

Structured system dynamics method to create a causal loop diagram

Goh, 2009 [42]

Healthy eating (and physical activity)

School- based (2 schools): 119 adolescents, 63 parents, and 28 community stakeholders

Sex: mixed

Age: mean 12 years (7th-8th graders)

Race/ethnicity: 58% Latino

Setting: middle school

Country: US

FG discussions: 6 male teenagers FGs, 8 female teenagers FGs, 8 parent FGs.

28 interviews with community stakeholders

No information

No information

Greer, 2018 [50]

Local produce consumption

School-based (3 schools): 53 students

Sex: mixed

Age: no information

Race/ethnicity: non-Hispanic black, Hispanic, non-Hispanic white and Asian

Setting: public high schools

Country: US

6 students FGs (2 FGs per school)

Social cognitive theory

No information

Harrison, 2005 [43]

Dietary habits, attitudes and knowledge

Community-based: 236 participants (15 key

informants, 116 parents, and 105 youth participants)

Sex: no info

Age: 11-14 years

Race/ethnicity: Asian American (Chinese, Vietnamese, and Hmong)

Setting: community-based organizations

Country: US

24 youth and parents FGs

15 interviews with key informants

No information

Simple thematic content analysis was used to summarize the data by ethnic group and across groups

Kubik, 2005 [44]

Dietary practice (and physical activity)

School-based (7 alternate high schools): 70 students

Sex: mixed

Age: 9th-12th graders

Race/ethnicity: non-Caucasian origin (American Indian, African American, Hispanic and Asian)

Setting: alternative high school

Country: US

7 students FGs

Social cognitive theory and ecologic theory are included in the discussion

Systematic three-step process as described by Miles and Huberman (1994)

Neumark-Sztainer, 1999 [37]

Food choices and eating behaviors

School-based (2 schools): 141 students

Sex: mixed

Age: mean age 12.6 years (12-14 years) and mean age 16 years (15-19 years)

Race/ethnicity: white, Asian American, African American, multiracial, Hispanic and Native American

Setting: high school

Country: US

21 students FGs: 7 7th grade female students FGs, 5 7th grade male students FGs, 4 10th grade female students FGs and 5 10th grade male students FGs

Social cognitive theory is included in the discussion

Systematic analytical approach using the constant comparative method of grounded theory

Payan, 2017 [51]

Healthy eating and school food

School-based (3 schools): 64 students

Sex: mixed

Age: mean age 16.3 years (14-19 years)

Race/ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino (59.4%) and African American (32.8%)

Setting: high school

Country: US

8 students FGs

Self-determination theory is included in the discussion

Grounded theory

Pham, 2007 [45]

Dietary practices around fruit and vegetable intake (and physical activity)

Community-based: 40 youth participants, 44 parents, and 5 key informants

Sex: mixed

Age: 11-14 years

Race/ethnicity: Hmong (Southeast Asian origin)

Setting: community-based organizations

Country: US

8 FGs with youth and parents

5 key informants interviews

No information

No detailed description of analytical procedures. Data were coded and content analyzed

Stephens, 2015 [52]

Fruit and vegetable intake

School-based (3 schools): 22 adolescents

Sex: mixed

Age: 12-15 years (7th and 8th graders)

Race/ethnicity: no information

Setting: secondary schools

Country: Australia

22 telephone interviews with adolescents

Social ecological theory

Grounded theory and inductive thematic analysis

  1. US United States, FG focus groups