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Table 1 Overview of Registry Entries Extracted to Identify Anxiety and Depression Problems

From: Patterns of unhealthy behaviours during adolescence and subsequent anxiety and depression in adulthood: a prospective register linkage study of the HUNT survey and health registries

Control and Payment of Health Reimbursements Registry

ICPC codes


Feeling anxious/nervous/tense


Feeling depressed


Affective psychosis


Anxiety disorder/anxiety state


Depressive disorder


Phobia/compulsive disorder

Norwegian Prescription Database

ATC codes









 ATC codes starting with




 ATC codes starting with




Norwegian Patient Registry

ICD-10 codes


Mood (affective) disorders


Anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, somatoform, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders

  1. Abbreviations: ATC Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical, ICD-10 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision, ICPC International Classification of Primary Care
  2. aOnly included if the reimbursement code suggested that the medication was given for mood-related or anxiety-related problems