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Fig. 1 | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Fig. 1

From: Effectiveness of an intervention to reduce sedentary behaviour as a personalised secondary prevention strategy for patients with coronary artery disease: main outcomes of the SIT LESS randomised clinical trial

Fig. 1

Impression of the multicomponent SIT LESS intervention, a 12-week, personalised, nurse-delivered and hybrid programme consisting of 1) patient education regarding sedentary behaviour; 2) personal coaching using motivational interviewing techniques during face-to-face consultations in the hospital and telephone consultations at home; 3) monitoring of time spent sedentary using a pocket-worn activity tracker providing vibrotactile feedback after a predefined limit for sedentary bouts was exceeded; and 4) online platform with smartphone application (connected to the activity tracker) and web-based dashboard to enable 24/7 feedback and (remote) coaching

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