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Table 1 Search syntax used in PubMed, Goggle Scholar, MEDLINE Ovid, Web of Science Core Collection, and Cochrane Library

From: Barriers and facilitators to diet, physical activity and lifestyle behavior intervention adherence: a qualitative systematic review of the literature




Study design




Barriers or facilitators or adhera or prevent or motiva

Diet or nutrition

Exercise or physical activity

Weight loss


"2005/01/01"[Date—Entry]: "3000"[Date—Entry]

Humans, English, Adult: 19 + years

Google Scholarb

Barriers or facilitators or adherence or prevent or motivation

Diet or nutrition

Exercise or physical activity

Weight loss


year 2005–2021


Medline (OVID)

Barriers or facilitators or adhera or prevent or motiva or motivation/

Nutrition or diet/ or dieta

Exercise/ or exercise or physical activity

Weight loss/ or weight loss

Qualitative research/ or qualitative

2005 to current

Human, English, all adults (19 plus years)

Web of Science

Barriers or facilitators or adhera or prevent or motiva

Nutrition or dieta

Exercise or physical activity

Weight loss



English, articles or Review articles

Cochrane Library

Barriers or facilitators or prevent or adhera or prevent or motiva

Diet or nutrition

Exercise or physical activity

Weight loss


  1. All search components (i.e., outcomes, intervention and study design) were combined using ‘and’. Dates and population components were added in as limits
  2. aTruncates term to include all words with alternative endings
  3. bGoogle scholar was searched informally