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Table 1 Items within HomeSTEAD’s physical activity and media inventory

From: Development of HomeSTEAD’s physical activity and screen time physical environment inventory

Category (# items)

Description of items

Derived/summary variables

Physical activity items

Adult exercise equipment (60)

Presence, number, condition, and accessibility of 15 different types of equipment (e.g., cardio equipment, weights, workout DVDs)

Sum of different types of adult exercise equipment present, average condition of equipment, sum of equipment pieces rated as good condition, average accessibility of equipment, sum of equipment pieces rated as easy to access, sum of equipment pieces rated as good condition and easy to access

Fixed play equipment (24)

Presence, condition, and accessibility for 8 different types of equipment (e.g., basketball hoop, climbing structure, playhouse)

Total number of different types of fixed play equipment present, average condition of equipment, sum of equipment pieces rated as good condition, average accessibility of equipment, sum of equipment pieces rated as easy to access, sum of equipment pieces rated as good condition and easy to access

Child portable play equipment (115)

Presence, number, location, condition, and accessibility for 23 different types of equipment (e.g., balls, push/pull toys, jumping toys)

Total number of pieces of portable play equipment present, average condition of equipment, sum of equipment pieces rated as good condition, average accessibility of equipment, sum of equipment pieces rated as easy to access, sum of equipment pieces rated as good condition and easy to access

Yard characteristics (22)

Natural elements checklist (15 items), presence and size of open play space, driveway, perceived sufficiency of yard space and portable equipment, and ownership of and frequency of play with dog

Sum of natural elements present

Screen time items

TVs (8)

Number, as well as location, size, and connection to DVD, recording (e.g., DVR, TiVO), video game, and cable/satellite for up to 6 TVs, and subscription to DVD rental service

Average size of all TVs present, sum of TV connected to cable/satellite

Computers (5)

Number, as well as type (desktop vs. laptop), location, connection to internet, and child access for up to 5 computers

Sum of computers that child is allowed to use

Video game systems (31),

Ownership (yes or no), as well presence, number, location, number of games, and child access for 6 different types of systems

Sum of different types of video game systems present, sum of video games reported, sum of video game systems that child is allowed to use

Portable electronic devices (35)

Presence, number, location, number of games, and child access for 7 different types of devices

Sum of different types of portable electronic devices present, sum of portable electronic device games reported, sum of devices that child is allowed to use, sum of devices located in child’s bedroom

Use of portable screens in the car (4)

Presence of portable DVD or video game devices, frequency of child’s use of the DVD or video games during different length car trips

Average frequency of use of portable DVD or video games in car across all trips, average frequency of use during short car trips and long car trips