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Table 4 Matrix for teachers at the organizational level of the ToyBox-study intervention

From: Using the intervention mapping protocol to reduce European preschoolers’ sedentary behavior, an application to the ToyBox-Study

Performance objectives (teachers)

Personal determinants






Social influence

PO.1. Teachers use different strategies (e.g., classroom environmental changes, performing standing classroom activities, etc.) to decrease preschoolers’ total sitting time per day in kindergarten.

SE.1.a. Teachers express confidence that they can use different strategies to decrease preschoolers’ total sitting time in kindergarten even when they have a tight schedule to follow.

H.1. Teachers plan to use different strategies to decrease preschoolers’ total sitting time into their daily routine.

K.1.a. Teachers list different strategies to decrease preschoolers’ total sitting time a day.

A.1. Teachers express positive feelings about the benefits of using different strategies to decrease preschoolers’ total sitting time.

SI.1. Teachers indicate that they use different strategies to decrease preschoolers’ total sitting time per day in kindergarten even when other teachers stick to sedentary activities.


SE.1.b. Teachers express confidence that they can use different strategies to decrease preschoolers’ total sitting time in kindergarten even when the preschoolers are lively.


K.1.b. Teachers know different strategies to decrease preschoolers’ total sitting time per day in kindergarten.


PO.2. Teachers give assignments that the preschoolers need to fulfil standing up.

SE.2. Teachers express confidence that they can give assignments that the preschoolers need to fulfil standing up even when they need to rearrange their classroom.

H.2. Teachers plan to give assignments that the preschoolers need to fulfill standing up.

K.2. Teachers know assignments that the preschoolers need to fulfill standing up.

A.2. Teachers express positive feelings about the benefits of giving assignments that preschoolers need to fulfill standing up.

SI.2. Teachers indicate that they plan to give assignments that the preschoolers need to fulfill standing up even when other teachers stick to fulfilling assignments sitting down.

PO.3. Teachers encourage the preschoolers to stand up when they are sitting down at the playground.

SE.3. Teachers express confidence that they can encourage the preschoolers to stand up at the playground even when there is already a lot of noise and commotion.

H.3. Teachers plan to encourage the preschoolers to stand up at the playground every time they see the preschoolers sitting down.


A.3. Teachers express positive feelings about the benefits that encouraging the preschoolers to stand up at the playground has for the preschoolers.

SI.3. Teachers encourage the preschoolers to stand up when they are sitting down at the playground even when other teachers don’t do this.

PO.4. Teachers are a role model for the preschoolers and limit sitting down themselves.

SE.4. Teachers express confidence that they are a role model for the preschoolers in limiting sitting down even when they are tired.


K.4. Teachers know that being a role model for the preschoolers encourages the preschoolers to sit down less.

A.4. Teachers express positive feelings about being a role model for the preschoolers by limiting their own time sitting down.


PO.5. Teachers encourage the preschoolers to switch from sitting down to standing up.

SE.5. Teachers express confidence that they can encourage the preschoolers to switch from sitting down to standing up, even when they don’t have the appropriate tools.

H.5. Teachers plan to encourage the preschoolers to switch from sitting down to standing up into their daily routine.

K.5. Teachers know that switching from sitting down to standing up is beneficiary for the preschoolers.

A.5. Teachers express positive feeling about the benefits of encouraging the preschoolers to switch from sitting down to standing up.

  1. PO.: performance objective.
  2. Behavior: Decrease preschoolers’ sedentary behavior; Program objective: Teachers decrease preschoolers’ sedentary time by 10% at preschool and limit screen viewing activities to less than one hour daily after the intervention.