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Table 3 Cross-sectional physical activity and screen time as predictors of obesity status of participants (Wave II)a

From: Screen time and physical activity during adolescence: longitudinal effects on obesity in young adulthood





coeff (95% CI)


coeff (95% CI)


MVPA (Wave II)b

-0.1382 (-0.1811, -0.0953)


0.1038 (-0.0439, 0.2515)


MVPA2 (Wave II)b



-0.0264 (-0.0493, -0.0034)


Screen Time (Wave II)d

0.0051 (0.0000, 0.0102)


0.0110 (0.0046, 0.0175)


  1. a National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Coefficients and 95% confidence intervals were obtained from multivariate sex-specific logistic regression models predicting Wave II obesity and accounting for sampling strategy and including all variables in the table as well as age, household income (parental), highest parental education, and race. Smoking status, season, and region did not affect model estimates so they were excluded from both models. (nmales = 4,879, nfemales = 4,276)
  2. b MVPA = moderate to vigorous physical activity (bouts/week)
  3. c The quadratic term (MVPA2) was not significant for males so it was excluded from the model.
  4. d Screen Time = television and video viewing (hours/week)