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Table 1 Search terms and databases

From: Comparison of psychometric properties between usual-week and past-week self-reported physical activity questionnaires: a systematic review

Initial search: Assessment retrieval

Database and Search Terms


Subject Headings

Embase: (Questionnaire/OR Health status/OR “severity of illness index”/) AND (Physical capacity/OR “physical constitution and health”/OR “movement (physiology)”/OR “physical activity, capacity and performance”/OR Exercise/OR Performance/OR Motor performance/) AND (Validation study/OR validity/OR Psychometry/OR Reliability/OR Measurement accuracy/OR measurement error/OR measurement precision/OR measurement repeatability/)

Humans; English; Adult: 18 to 64 years OR Aged: 65+ years

PubMed: (“Physical Conditioning, Human”[Mesh] OR “Physical Fitness”[Mesh] OR “Physical Therapy Modalities”[Mesh] OR “Physical Endurance”[Mesh] OR “Physical Exertion”[Mesh] OR “Exercise”[Mesh] OR “Motor Activity”[Mesh] OR “Exercise”[Mesh] OR “Exercise Movement Techniques”[Mesh] OR “Exercise Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Psychomotor Performance”[Mesh] OR “Motor Skills”[Mesh] OR “Motor Activity”[Mesh]) AND (“Questionnaires”[Mesh]) AND (“Psychometrics”[Mesh] OR “Reproducibility of Results”[Mesh] OR “Validation Studies as Topic”[Mesh] OR “Bias (Epidemiology)”[Mesh] OR “Observer Variation”[Mesh])

Humans; English; Adult: 19+ years

Free Text Words

Embase : (questionnaire*) AND (physic* OR movement* OR capacit* OR exercise* OR train* OR performance* OR motor) AND (psychometric* OR reliability OR validit* OR reproducibility OR bias)

Publication date from 2013 – current; Adult: 18 to 64 years OR Aged: 65+ years

PubMed: As per Embase Free Text

Publication date from 2013/05/01 to 2016/07/04; Humans; English; Adult: 19+ years