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Table 1 Definition of TDF constructs by domain, and as applied to the childcare setting and the implementation of menu dietary guidelines

From: Measuring implementation behaviour of menu guidelines in the childcare setting: confirmatory factor analysis of a theoretical domains framework questionnaire (TDFQ)


Definition of constructs [18]

Application to the childcare setting


Knowledge (including knowledge of condition/scientific rationale), Procedural knowledge, Knowledge of task environment

The service cooks awareness and familiarity with implementing the menu dietary guidelines


Skills, Skills development, Competence, Ability, Interpersonal skills, Practice, Skill assessment, Coping strategies

Training, skills and practice in implementing the menu dietary guidelines

Professional role and identity

Professional identity, Professional role, Social identity, Professional boundaries, Professional confidence, Group identity, Leadership, Organisational commitment

The extent that implementation of menu dietary guidelines is perceived as part of the service cook’s role

Beliefs about capabilities

Self‐confidence, Perceived competence, Self‐efficacy, Perceived behavioural control, Beliefs, Self‐esteem, Empowerment, Professional confidence

The service cooks confidence in implementing the menu dietary guidelines


Optimism, Pessimism, Unrealistic optimism, Identity

The service cooks confidence that the implementation of the menu dietary guidelines will be attained

Beliefs about consequences

Beliefs, Outcome expectancies, Characteristics of outcome expectancies, Anticipated regret, Consequents

The service cooks belief about benefits/disadvantages of implementing the menu dietary guidelines


Rewards (proximal/distal, valued/not valued, probable/improbable), Incentives, Punishment, Consequents, Reinforcement, Contingencies, Sanctions

The extent of recognition and reward the service cooks expect to receive when implementing the menu dietary guidelines


Stability of intentions, Stages of change model, Trans-theoretical model and stages of change

The service cooks intention to implement the menu dietary guidelines


Goals (distal/proximal), Goal priority, Goal/target setting, Goals (autonomous/controlled), Action planning (with relation to their intention to implement

The relative importance to service cooks of implementing the menu dietary guidelines

Memory, attention and decision processes

Memory, Attention, Attention control, Decision making, Cognitive overload/tiredness

The extent to which implementing the menu dietary guidelines is part of regular practice

Environmental context and resources

Environmental stressors, Resources/material resources, Organisational culture/climate, Salient events/critical incidents, Person x environment interaction, Barriers and facilitators

The environmental context/situation that may encourage/discourage implementation of the menu dietary guidelines

Social influences

Social pressure, Social norms, Group conformity, Social comparisons, Group norms, Social support, Power, Intergroup conflict, Alienation, Group identity, Modelling

The interpersonal relationships/process that may influence implementation of the menu dietary guidelines


Fear, Anxiety, Affect, Stress, Depression, Positive/negative affect, Burn‐out

Service cooks emotions when implementing the menu dietary guidelines

Behavioural regulation

Self‐monitoring, Breaking habit, Action planning (with relation to monitoring their habits)

Service cooks ability to self-monitor and action plan to implement the menu dietary guidelines