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Table 1 Characteristics of N = 998 participants recruited via a university research scheme (n = 408) and via social media (n = 590)

From: Appetitive traits associated with higher and lower body mass index: evaluating the validity of the adult eating behaviour questionnaire in an Australian sample


Mean ± standard deviation or % (n)

Age (years) (n = 893)

24.32 ± 8.32

Gender (female) (n = 996)

84.8% (845)

BMI (kg/m2)a (n = 983)

24.90 ± 5.60

Highest level of education (n = 995)

 Primary school

1.2 (12)

 Secondary school

44.0 (438)


25.1 (250)

 Undergraduate university degree

24.2 (241)

 Postgraduate university degree

5.4 (54)

Ethnicity (n = 996)


80.9 (806)


6.3 (63)


1.6 (16)


1.1 (11)

 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander

1.6 (16)

 Pacific Islander

1.8 (18)


6.6 (66)

  1. abased on self-reported height and weight data