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Table 1 Built environment variables calculated within 800m of a supermarket

From: Designing healthy communities: creating evidence on metrics for built environment features associated with walkable neighbourhood activity centres

Variables and definitions

Community Design

 Pedshed: ratio of area within 800m street network buffer to the area within 800m Euclidean buffer

 Number of community resources: post offices, community centres, child care centres, libraries

 Number of small food stores: butcher, green grocers, convenience stores

 Number of other retail stores: banks, pharmacy, petrol station, newsagent

 Number of supermarkets: includes major and minor supermarkets

 Supermarket diversity: number of different major supermarkets (0-4)

 Number of transport stops: buses, trams, train

 Transport diversity: number of different types of transport (0-5)

 Destination diversity: number of different individual destination types (0-16)

Movement Network

 Street connectivity: number of ≥3 way intersections

 Cul de sacs: number of cul de sacs

 Cul de sac segments ≤120m long: number of cul de sac segments ≤120m long

 Connected node ratio: number of ≥3 way intersections ÷ all intersections including cul de sacs

 Disconnected node ratio: number of cul de sacs ÷ all intersections including cul de sacs

 Mean block perimeter (m)

 Walkable block ratio: number of blocks ≤620m perimeter ÷ total number of blocks

 Traffic exposure ratio: length of low traffic roads ÷ length of low and high traffic roads

Lot Layout

 Housing diversity: number of different housing types (0-8)

 Net residential density: number of commercial dwellings + number of residential dwellings ÷ commercial and residential area