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Table 1 Examples of diet text-messages used in the TEXT ME Study

From: The effects of a lifestyle-focused text-messaging intervention on adherence to dietary guideline recommendations in patients with coronary heart disease: an analysis of the TEXT ME study

General healthy eating tips

Hello <xxx>, reduce your plate size to help limit portion size.

Vegetables and fruits intake

Hi < xxx>, healthy eating means at least 5 serves of vegetables & 2 serves of fruit every day.

Fish intake

<xxx>, fish & seafood contain omega-3 fats which help reduce the risk of heart disease & stroke.

Unhealthy fat use

Try steaming, baking, or BBQ to reduce the need for excess oil when cooking.

Salt intake

Try avoiding adding salt to your foods by using other spices and herbs.

  1. Note: <xxx> represents the patient preferred name
  2. BBQ, Barbecue