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Table 1 List of outcomes included and not included in vote-counting and meta-analysis

From: The effects of yoga compared to active and inactive controls on physical function and health related quality of life in older adults- systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials


Active/inactive control group

Physical functioning outcomes

HRQoL outcomes

Vote counting analysis

Yoga vs inactive controls

Body composition measures (body mass index (BMI), body weight, body fat percentage, waist circumference), cardio-respiratory fitness, strength (lower and upper limb strength, hand grip strength), flexibility (lower and upper body flexibility, range of motion (ROM)), mobility, walking speed, balance, fall frequency

Anxiety, depression, perceived physical health, perceived mental health, general health and wellbeing (subscale from SF-12 and SF-36), vitality, quality of life, social health, sleep quality, stress, fear of falls, balance confidence

Yoga vs active controls

Strength (lower and upper limb strength), flexibility (lower and upper body flexibility), mobility, walking speed, balance, fall frequency

Anxiety, depression, perceived physical health, perceived mental health, vitality, stress


Yoga vs inactive controls

Body composition (BMI, body weight and body fat percentage), balance, lower body flexibility, upper body flexibility, walking speed, lower limb strength

Depression, fear of falls, perceived mental health, perceived physical health, sleep quality, social health, vitality

Yoga vs active controls

Balance, lower body flexibility, lower limb strength, mobility, walking speed

Anxiety, depression, perceived mental health

Not included in vote-counting or meta-analysis (measured by just one study)

Yoga vs inactive controls


Anger [63], self-control [63], fatigue [64], motivational factors to exercise [55], pain [71], mood [64], hope [65], medication usage [66], capacity for self-care [66], self-efficacy (general, and for chronic disease) [63]

Yoga vs active controls

Cardio-respiratory fitness [72]

Anger [63], self-control [63], fatigue [64], motivational factors to exercise [55], pain [71], mood [64], social health [64], general health and well-being [64], quality of life [71], balance confidence [67], fear of falls [67], self-efficacy (general, and for chronic disease) [63]