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Table 1 Survey items used to examine intrapersonal, social and physical environmental factors in the READI study

From: Social ecological factors associated with physical activity and screen time amongst mothers from disadvantaged neighbourhoods over three years


Likert scale/response options

Internal reliability (α)a

Data management

Questions used to assess variable

Intrapersonal factors

 Behavioural skills [36]

4-point: 1 (never), 2 (once or twice), 3 (weekly), 4 (more than once/week)


Sum 2 items

How many times in the past month did you: ‘Set a goal for how much physical activity you would like to do?’, ‘Plan particular days on which you would do physical activity?’

 Behavioural intentions [36]

7-point: 1 (very unlikely),

7 (very likely)



Assuming that you tried to do physical activity over the next 2 weeks, how likely or unlikely is it that you would actually stick to this?

 Outcome expectancies [38]

4-point: 1 (no reason at all),

4 (very important reason)


Sum 6 items

How important do you think these reasons are for being physically active? ‘Health’, ‘Appearance’, ‘Weight’, ‘Feeling fit’, ‘Relaxation’, ‘Stress relief’

 Enjoyment [37]

7-point: 1 (least enjoyable),

7 (most enjoyable)


Sum 6 items

Feelings about physical activity: ‘I love it/I hate it’, ‘I feel interested/I feel bored’, ‘I find it pleasurable/I find it unpleasurable’, ‘I find it energising/I find it tiring’, ‘It makes me happy/It makes me depressed’, ‘I feel good physically while doing it/I feel bad physically while doing it’

 Self-efficacy [39]

5-point: 1 (strongly agree),

5 (strongly disagree)


Sum 5 items

I am confident that I could do physical activity even when: ‘I am tired’, ‘I am in a bad mood’, ‘I feel I don’t have time’, ‘I am on holiday’, ‘it is raining’

Social factors

 Social support from family/spouse [41]

5 -point: 1 (never),

5 (very often)


Sum 2 items

During the past year, how often did members of your family: ‘Do physical activity with you?’, ‘Encourage you to be physically active?’

 Social support from friends/work colleagues [41]

5-point: 1 (never),

5 (very often)


Sum 2 items

During the past year, how often did friends or work colleagues: ‘Do physical activity with you?’, ‘Encourage you to be physically active?’


1 (yes), 2 (no), 3 (N/A/I don’t have children)



If you wanted to do any physical activity without your children, do you have access to childcare either at a childcare centre, a partner/family member or a friend?

Physical environment factors

 Neighbourhood walkability [40]

5-point:1 (strongly agree),

5 (strongly disagree)


Sum 7 items

‘My neighbourhood offers many opportunities to be physically active’, ‘Local sports clubs and other facilities in my neighbourhood offer many opportunities to get exercise’, ‘It is pleasant to walk in my neighbourhood’, ‘The trees in my neighbourhood provide enough shade’, ‘In my neighbourhood it is easy to walk places’, ‘I often see other people walking in my neighbourhood’, ‘I often see other people exercising (e.g., jogging, bicycling, playing sports) in my neighbourhood’

 Neighbourhood aesthetics [40]

5-point: 1 (strongly agree),

5 (strongly disagree)


Sum 5 items

‘There is a lot of rubbish on the street in my neighbourhood’, ‘There is a lot of noise in my neighbourhood”, In my neighbourhood the buildings and homes are well-maintained’, ‘The buildings and homes in my neighbourhood are interesting’, ‘My neighbourhood is attractive’

 Personal safety [40]

5-point: 1 (strongly agree),

5 (strongly disagree)


Sum 3 items

‘I feel safe walking in my neighbourhood, day or night’, ‘Violence is not a problem in my neighbourhood’, ‘My neighbourhood is safe from crime’

 Neighbourhood cohesion [42]

5-point: 1 (strongly agree),

5 (strongly disagree)


Sum 7 items

‘People in this neighbourhood can be trusted’, ‘This is a close-knit neighbourhood’, ‘People around here are willing to help their neighbours’, ‘People in this neighbourhood generally don’t get along with each other’, ‘People in this neighbourhood do not share the same values’

 Number of televisions per household

5-point: 0 (None),

4 (four or more)



‘How may televisions do you have in your house?’

  1. Notes: a Cronbach’s alpha, N/A Non-applicable