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Table 4 Modification of the effect of sleep duration on multimorbidity by physical activity

From: The prevalence of multimorbidity and its association with physical activity and sleep duration in middle aged and elderly adults: a longitudinal analysis from China


Good sleep [7 h–9 h]

Poor sleep [< 7 h or > 9 h]

ORs (95% CI) for poor sleep within strata of physical activity


Number of cases/controls

OR (95% CI)

Number of cases/controls

OR (95% CI)

High physical activity




1.570 (1.364–1.807)

1.511 (1.081–2.112)

Moderate physical activity

954/ 806

1.117 (0.987–1.264)

629/ 328

1.810 (1.548–2.115)

1.832 (1.257–2.671)

Low physical activity


1.313 (1.176–1.466)


2.181 (1.903–2.499)

1.552 (1.175–2.050)

  1. Note: If moderate physical activity compared with high physical activity, measure of effect modification on additive scale: RERI (95% CI) = 0.123 (−0.264 to 0.510); If low physical activity compared with high physical activity, measure of effect modification on additive scale: RERI (95% CI) = 0.298 (−0.099 to 0.695); ORs were adjusted for age, gender, educational level, marital status, living place, household income, health insurance, Body Mass Index (BMI), smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and depression. OR were unadjusted for covariates. RERI relative excess risk due to interaction