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Table 2 Examples of different information types in physical activity messages

From: The Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC): International consensus statement and user guide

Information type


What to do

“Adults should aim to accumulate 150 min of moderate- to vigorous- physical activity a week”

“Aim for 10,000 steps a day or more”

“Aim to take part in both aerobic and strength exercises”

Why to do it

“Being physically active can reduce your risk of heart disease later in life”

“Take the stairs – feel less stressed”

“Cycle for a healthier planet”

“A little movement for a little mood improvement”

How to do it

“Try walking during your lunch break to become more active!”

“Set weekly goals and smash them!”

“Did you know that we run a group walk for University staff every Thursday at 12 pm? It starts outside the library. Why not come along next week?”