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Table 2 Descriptive statistics of the predictor and outcome variables

From: Effects of behavioral performance, intrinsic reward value, and context stability on the formation of a higher-order nutrition habit: an intensive longitudinal diary study


M (SD)


Behavioral performance

0.70 (0.46)


Intrinsic reward value

4.61 (0.70)


Context stability

5.07 (1.32)


Habit strength

4.00 (1.86)


  1. Note. ICC = Intraclass coefficient. ICC values can range from 0 to 1, indicating the ratio of the between-cluster (i.e., between-person in this case) variance to the total variance. For example, the ICC of 0.69 in habit strength indicates that 69% of the variance in habit strength is due to differences between individuals. Higher values can be seen as an indicator for the necessity of using multilevel modeling