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Table 1 Search Strategy for OVID Databases (MEDLINER (1996- search date)

From: Objectively measuring the association between the built environment and physical activity: a systematic review and reporting framework

Search Query

1. exp *locomotion/ or exp *physical fitness/ or leisure activities/ or exp *recreation/ or exp movement/ or exp walking/ or exp physical activity/ or exp physical fitness/ or exp *motor activity/ or exp *physical exertion/ or exp *Sedentary Lifestyle/ or exp *exercise/ or exp sport/

2. (”physically active” or”physical activity” or walk* or cycle or bicycle or cycling or sport or sports or exercis* or distance or”active living” or”active transport*” or movement or steps or inactivity).tw

3. 1 or 2

4. exp Fitness Trackers/ or exp Accelerometery/ or exp Smartphone

5. ((fitness adj2 monitor*) or (fitness adj2 track*) or (fitness adj2 wearable) or (fitness adj2 electronic) or (activity adj2 monitor*) or (activity adj2 track*) or (activity adj2 wearable) or (activity adj2 electronic) or (smart adj2 phone) or acceleromet* or pedometer).tw

6. 4 or 5

7. exp *rural health/ or exp *suburban health/ or exp *urban health/ or exp *population/ or exp *Residence Characteristics/ or exp *Environment Design/ or exp *social planning/ or exp *”Sports and Recreational Facilities”/ or exp *Geography, Medical/

8. (”built environment” or geospatial* or”environmental health” or”healthy environment” or (environmental adj1 design) or (urban adj2 health) or walkable or neighbourhood? or greenspace or”green space” or bikeab* or pedestrian).tw

9. 7 or 8

10. exp Geographic Information Systems/

11. (GIS or”geographic information system” or GPS or”global positioning system”).tw

12. 10 or 11

13. 3 and 6 and 9 and 12

14. remove duplicates from 13