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Table 4 Intervention categories and corresponding interventions

From: The impact of interventions in the built environment on physical activity levels: a systematic umbrella review


Examples for specific BE changes for each intervention

Park and playground interventions

 1. Park renovations

Upgrading paths, adjusting seating areas, adding walking trails, greenery, barbecue or picnic areas, equipment, lighting, and a fenced leash-free area for dogs

 2. Playground renovations

Installing new components (play equipment, seating, additional safety surfacing, and waste facilities), removing existing components

 3. Park & playground renovations

A combination of interventions 1 and 2

 4. Exercise equipment

Introducing outdoor exercise equipment/fitness equipment/family fitness zones

 5. Introducing a new (pocket) park

Redesigning existing green spaces into pocket parks to increase seating areas and walking trails

 6. Multi-component green initiatives

Replacing vacant land with new public park, redesigning existing parks, landscaping, planting flower bulbs in front yards, constructing wall gardens, greening streets, adding a greenway

Interventions aimed at walking and cycling

 7. Improving walking environments

Adding new sidewalks, walking paths, crosswalks, pedestrian crossing signs/signals, median islands, four-way stops, safe routes to schools, in-pavement crosswalk lighting. Renovating/repairing walking paths, repainting crosswalk lines, filling gaps in the sidewalk network

 8. Improving cycling environments

Installing cycle lanes, e.g., striped cycle lanes, separated bicycle paths, on and off-street/road bike lanes and new cycle lanes/trails. Adding bicycle boulevards, providing cycling-related facilities (bike storage/parking), improving cycling traffic (signs and crossings)

 9. Improving walking & cycling environments

Improving crosswalks, sidewalks, bike parking, installing traffic calming features (raised platforms, zebra crossings) and parking bays, creating safe places to walk. Adding off-road paved paths, adding new walking and cycling routes

 10. Greenway & trail

Adding/extending a greenway, introducing/extending a trail, renovating/extending a railway to a multi-use trail

 11. Traffic free bridge

Adding new pedestrian and cycle bridges

 12. Improving infrastructure system

A combination of adding routes for walking and cycling, rail-infrastructure, bike parking, street improvements. A combination of adding a new avenue, parking lots, on-road walking and cycling road. Construction of an off-road guideway for buses, with a parallel path for walking and cycling

 13. Multi-component initiatives for active travel

Wayfinding, improving crossings, sidewalks and from/to school environments, traffic calming measures, altered drop off/pick-up zones, creating parking bays, cycle lanes and pedestrian overpasses. Adding painted crosswalks, introducing and improving signage, parks, and bike racks, extending a walking path in conjunction with a subway expansion project

Community-based interventions

 14. Increase density

Population density, service/job density, recreation facility density and residential density

 15. Availability & accessibility of destinations

Increase number and accessibility of destinations, land-use mix, public transit availability/accessibility, sport facility availability, reduce distance to parks

 16. Street network initiatives

Changes in street connectivity and road characteristics