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Table 2 Associations between daily sleep duration and sleep midpoint and subsequent day dietary energy density and fruit and vegetable consumption (beta coefficients and 95% confidence intervals)

From: Shorter sleep among adolescents is associated with lower fruit and vegetable consumption the following day


Unadjusted (n = 832 participants, n = 1855 days)

Adjusteda (n = 832 participants, n = 1855 days)

Energy density (kcal/g)

Fruit and vegetable intake (g)

Energy density (kcal/g)

Fruit and vegetable intake (g)

Sleep duration (hrs)

-0.024 (-0.04, -0.005)

7.86 (3.35, 12.37)

-0.016 (-0.034, 0.002)

6.42 (1.84, 10.99)

Sleep midpoint (hrs)

-0.003 (-0.023, 0.016)

-2.90 (-7.84, 2.05)

-0.001 (-0.022, 0.020)

-2.52 (-7.66, 2.62)

  1. aAdjusted models were adjusted for sex, SES, age depressed mood, day of measurement, previous day PAEE, dietary outcome the previous day, caffeinated beverage intake and sugar-sweetened beverage intake the previous day